Clara Gibson

Worship Leader & Guitarist

Clara Gibson


  • Acoustic and Electric Guitar Performance
  • Songwriting and Composition
  • Worship Team Coordination and Training


  • B.A. in Contemporary Music, Wheaton College
  • Workshop Certification in Songwriting, Nashville Songwriters Association International


  • Clara Gibson is known for her expressive guitar playing and heartfelt songwriting, which have made significant impacts in contemporary worship music.
  • She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Music from Wheaton College and has completed specialized training in songwriting from the Nashville Songwriters Association International.
  • Clara has released several worship albums that are widely used in churches across the United States and are featured on popular Christian music platforms.


Clara began her ministry in a small community church, quickly becoming a key figure in developing their music program. Her ability to blend contemporary Christian music with traditional worship songs has revitalized the musical worship sessions, attracting a diverse congregation.

As a worship leader, Clara focuses on creating a participatory worship experience, encouraging congregation members to engage deeply with the music and the message. She organizes regular worship workshops for her team, emphasizing skill development, spiritual growth, and team cohesion.

In addition to her responsibilities at church, Clara collaborates with other Christian artists and bands, contributing her songwriting and guitar skills. Her work has gained recognition for its theological depth and musical innovation.

Personal Life

Clara’s big on giving back to the community and often plays music at local shelters to lift everyone’s spirits. She’s also all about outdoor adventures which often spark her next big song idea.

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