Lydia Hart

Choral Director & Worship Planner

Lydia Hart


  • Choral Conducting and Vocal Training
  • Liturgical Planning and Worship Coordination
  • Hymnology and Worship History


  • M.A. in Sacred Music, Duke Divinity School
  • B.A. in Music Education, Vanderbilt University


  • Lydia Hart is distinguished by her profound understanding of traditional and contemporary worship practices, blending them seamlessly in church services.
  • She possesses a Master’s degree in Sacred Music from Duke Divinity School and a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Vanderbilt University.
  • Lydia is often invited as a guest conductor at national church music conferences and contributes to several prestigious church music journals.


Lydia began her career as a music educator but soon found her calling in church music, where she could combine her love for teaching with her passion for worship. As a Choral Director, she leads a large church choir, focusing on both musical excellence and spiritual depth.

Her expertise in liturgical planning has enabled her to design worship services that are both meaningful and engaging, respecting the traditions of the church while introducing innovative worship practices that resonate with a diverse congregation.

Lydia is also a consultant for churches looking to develop their music ministries. She offers workshops on vocal technique, choral conducting, and worship planning, helping other worship leaders refine their skills and deepen their theological knowledge.

Personal Life

Beyond her church responsibilities, Lydia is deeply involved in community outreach, particularly in bringing music education to underprivileged areas. She believes strongly in the power of music to transform lives and works tirelessly to make musical training accessible to all.

Lydia’s passion isn’t just music—it’s bringing music to those who might not get to experience it otherwise. She spends a lot of time working on community projects and enjoys capturing nature’s calm with her camera, which often inspires her work.

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