Timothy Norris

Youth Worship Leader & Multi-Instrumentalist

Timothy Norris


  • Multi-instrumental Performance (Guitar, Drums, Piano)
  • Youth Ministry and Worship Leadership
  • Worship Music Arrangement and Composition


  • B.A. in Worship Leadership, Southeastern University
  • Diploma in Youth Ministry, Hillsong Leadership College


  • Timothy Norris excels in engaging youth through dynamic worship experiences tailored to younger audiences.
  • He has a Bachelor’s degree in Worship Leadership from Southeastern University and a specialized diploma in Youth Ministry from Hillsong Leadership College.
  • Timothy is recognized for his innovative approaches to youth worship services, often incorporating multimedia and interactive elements to enhance engagement.


Timothy began his ministry focusing on the unique needs of youth worship, understanding the importance of connecting with younger generations through music that speaks to their experiences and challenges. His role as a Youth Worship Leader involves curating music selections that are both theologically sound and relevant to today’s youth culture.

At his church, Timothy leads a team of young musicians, providing mentorship and training to develop their musical abilities and spiritual understanding. His leadership extends beyond music; he is deeply involved in the pastoral care of the youth, guiding them through their spiritual journeys with empathy and enthusiasm.

In addition to his church responsibilities, Timothy organizes community youth events that combine worship with social activities, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for teenagers and young adults. His efforts have significantly increased youth participation in church activities, fostering a vibrant and supportive community.

Personal Life

You’ll find Timothy blogging about his latest thoughts on youth worship when he’s not hanging out at coffee spots or local gigs. He loves mixing his love for tunes with a good brew and better company.

» Posts by Timothy Norris