How To Cancel (Directions)

* If you are simply having trouble finding the correct username/email/password for your account, or just need help logging in, and don’t want to cancel, click here now.

** Otherwise, if you truly do want to cancel your account, please read everything on this page carefully first. We make it very easy to cancel your account quickly at any time, but you must correctly follow the clearly laid out steps below…

How To Cancel Your Account:

1.) For security purposes, you’ll need to log in to your account and cancel there.

2.) After logging in, click “My Membership”, and then click “cancel”.

3.) Follow the steps until you receive an email confirming that your account was cancelled (the confirmation email sometimes gets delivered to your email’s spam folder).

That’s it!


1.) If you’re having trouble logging in to your account, use this link to log in.

2.) If you forgot your password, you can reset your password here.

3.) If for some reason you’re not receiving the password reset email from us, please check your email’s spam folder – it’s usually found in there as one of the most recent messages, titled “Password Reset Instructions”.

4.) If you tried resetting your password but are still unable to log in to cancel, use this form instead.

5.) If you cancelled your account already, but did not receive a confirmation email, let us know your account email here. We’ll verify and send you a confirmation.


1.) Please be aware that once you cancel your account, it will be deleted, and all the info you’ve created and saved will stop functioning.

2.) Further, you should still consider your account active and not cancelled, unless you receive an email after submitting your request, confirming that your account has indeed been cancelled (make sure to also check your email’s spam folder for it).

3.) Alternatively, you can be assured that your account has been cancelled properly if you see a message that says, “Your account is pending deletion. WorshipChords features have been disabled” when you click here (you must still be logged in to check).

4.) Or, if you see a message that says, “Account cancelled. Contact us to restart”, when you try to log in, rest assured that your account has been cancelled.

5.) Additionally, you are still responsible for all paid and unpaid payments accrued, regardless of usage, as well as the no-refund policy agreed to in the Terms of Use when you signed up.

Notes / Other Issues:

*** If you have opened multiple accounts: you must repeat the steps above for each account you’ve opened that you want to cancel. Cancelling one account does not cancel other accounts you’ve opened. You are responsible for any fees accrued on your open accounts, regardless of usage, and all payments are final and nonrefundable, as agreed to in the Terms of Use when you signed up.

**** If you are having trouble locating an account tied to a charge you are still receiving, search your email for the term “WorshipChords”. You’ll likely find messages sent to the email address(es) tied to your account(s). If that still doesn’t work, get in touch here.