Login Help

* If you are trying to log into your account in order to cancel it, make sure you have read through all the directions here first.

** Otherwise, if you’re simply having trouble logging in to your account, proceed to follow the suggestions below:

1.) I forgot the username/email address I used to sign up for my account:

Search your email for the term “WorshipChords” – you’ll likely find messages sent to the email address(es) tied to your account(s).

2.) I forgot my account password:

Reset your password here.

3.) I tried to reset my password, but am not receiving the password reset email:

If for some reason you’re not receiving the password reset email from us, please check your email’s spam folder – it’s usually found in there as one of the most recent messages, titled “Password Reset Instructions”.

4.) I’m entering the right username/email and password, but I’m still experiencing a login issue:

Please try each of these suggestions, in this order, until one works (it’s almost always one of these that solves the problem):

a.) Use our alternative login page:
Log in here if for some reason the homepage isn’t working right.

b.) Reset your account password.

c.) Clear your cookies:
This usually does the trick if the issue was browser related.

d.) Disable any unnecessary browser plugins:
3rd party plugins can cause javascript issues and redirects.

e.) Check for autofill and/or unintended capitalization in email/password (both the username and password are case-sensitive):
Silly thing we can easily miss.

5.) I have tried everything suggested above, and still can’t log in:

If you have absolutely tried everything suggested above, but still can’t log in, get in touch here.