Oh Praise / The Only One Chords

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Oh Praise / The Only One Chords / Audio (Transposable):

[drums 2 ]
Em C G D Em C G
Em C G G D D C C

Verse 1
Em C G
There is no greater truth than this
Em C D
There is no stronger love we know
Em C G
God himself comes down to live
C2 D G
And make the sinner's heart His throne

Verse 2
Em C G
There is no greater peace than this
Em7 C Dsus
No other kindness can compare
Em7 C G
He clothes us in His righteousness
Forever free, forever heirs

G Am G G
Oh Praise the only one
Who shines brighter than a thousand suns
G/B C D Em
Death and hell call Him victorious
Praise Him
G Am G G
Oh Praise the One True King
Lift it loud till earth and heaven ring
G/B C D Em
Every crown we lay down at His feet
D G/B C2
Praise Him, praise Him

Verse 3
Em C G
There is no sweeter joy than this
Em C D
There is no stronger hope we hold
Em C G/B
We are His forever more
C2 D G
Safe, secure by Christ alone


G C G G/B C G G/B C D Em Dsus D

Verse 4
Em C G
There is no sound that's like the song
Em C D
That rises up from grateful saints
Em C G/B
We once were lost but now we're found
C2 D G
One with Him, we bear His name


D G/B C2
Praise Him, praise Him

G C G G/B C G G/B C D Em
Wo--ah, wo----ah, wo------ah
D G/B C2
Praise Him, praise Him
G D G/B C2
Praise Him, praise Him

Last updated by: Michaela Bishop

Last checked by: Nathanial Crowe

Rating: 5/5 - 115 reviews

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