Convinced Chords

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Convinced Chords / Audio (Transposable):

Em C D Em C D
For I am convinced, that when I pray, You hear me
Em C D Em C D
For I am convinced, that when I sing, You're near me

And I believe
Em C [this line ]
History belongs to those who pray

Chorus 1
Em C
I'm gonna pray til' Jesus comes, I'm gonna pray til' Jesus comes
I'm gonna pray til' Jesus comes, I'm gonna pray til' Jesus comes

Tag 1
Em C
You are my rock, my sword, my shield, You are the only hand that heals
You are the lily of the valley, The bright and morning star shine, shine

Tag 2
Em C
You are the precious lamb of God, You are the first and last of all
I don't care what they say, they're gonna hear me pray

Chorus 2
Em C G D
I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray

Em G
Every congregation, every denomination
In every church across the nation let Your glory fall

Tag 3
Em G
Let Your glory fall, let Your glory fall
Let Your glory fall, let Your glory fall

⬆️ Last updated by: Ethan Joyce

✅ Last checked by: Jonah Stevens

Rating: 5/5 - 133 reviews

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