Song of Destiny Chords

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Song of Destiny Chords / Audio (Transposable):

Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab

Verse 1
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
Don't give up don't give up
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
I'll carry your burdens again don't give up
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ebm Db/F Gm7 b5 Eb7 G
I'll carry your burdens again don't give up

Ab Db
Quiet your mind, calm your soul
Fm7 Eb
Your heart will sing again when you hear

Verse 2
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
Can you hear the songs, can you rise above
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
The angels cry holy, their songs rise before me
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ebm Db/F Gm7 b5 Eb7 G
The angels cry holy, their songs rise in glory


Ab Ab/C Cm7 Db
For heaven knows how you've cried
Cm7 Db Ab Ab G
My ears have heard your songs in the night
Fm7 Db Ab/C Ab
Don't forget that high and lofty place we share together
Cm7 Db Ab Ab G
As real as right now it will be forever
Come rise above, sing a song of your destiny



Verse 3
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
Don't give up, your life has just begun
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab
Lift your voice, join angels beholding, cry holy
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ebm Db/F Gm7 b5 Eb7 G
Lift your voice, join angels beholding, cry holy

Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Ab Eb Ab Db Eb Ab
Don't give up, your life has just begun

Last updated by: Jonah Stevens

Last checked by: Lucas Barnett

Rating: 5/5 - 139 reviews

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